George Trundle Masters

Happy 50th birthday Steven Solomon
Brodie McClymont wins Peninsula open.
Brodie won with a picket fence 7/7. He was in trouble in round 5 against Yi Liu but apart from that his tournament looked like plain sailing. I was second on 6/7 and Tony Weller finished in clear third! A sensational result for Tony in a strong field.The other prizes were mainly taken by the juniors. I’ll publish those results when I f [...]
Peninsula Open, rounds 4+5
First up in the morning I had to play Brodie with black. 18…f5 was based on a miscalculation which obliged me to sack a pawn. I got some counterplay only to miscalculate the ending. Shows I need a warm up before Malaysia.
So feeling quite dejected after the morning debacle, I played this game quite aimlessly until my opponent made an [...]
Peninsula Open 2013
After some radio silence expect a flurry of posts. I am escaping the winter for some chess in Malaysia and France. But before leaving why not warm up a bit? The Peninsula Open offered the perfect opportunity.Since I was a teenager I regularly wrote “Solomon” on my scoresheet. Today, for the first time, the initial was different. [...]
IM Moulthun Ly wins Wilde Weekender

May First Sunday Final Standings
Doubleroo May First Sunday
Doubleroo May First Sunday – Round 7
Place Name Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.
1 Slater-Jones, Henry 1086 7 23.0 31.5 28.0
2-4 Wadell, Craig 831 5 21.5 31.5 21.0
Watkins, Sophie 686 5 [...]
Henry Slater-Jones wins May FSJR at L...

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