George Trundle Masters and the winne...

George Trundle Masters Rd 8
I almost over-pressed today. I got a little edge out of the opening and then showed my lousy technique again, nearly getting my queen trapped on a7. Instead of 20.Qa7 I should play something quiet like Bf3 or b3. In fact every move after that was not best. I wisely offered a draw after 27.Bh3 as I was a bit worse. Funnily enough his intended [...]
George Trundle Masters Rd 7
I must admit I was a bit nervous today. After a great start I stumbled a bit, first drawing a great position against Luke Li and then getting crushed with white in 22 moves by Steven. Suddenly I only had a half point margin and collapses are not that uncommon in my career. Added to that I was black against a very creative player. I saw many [...]
George Trundle Masters Rd 6

George Trundle Masters Rd 5

George Trundle Masters Rd 4

George Trundle Masters Rd 3

George Trundle Masters Rd 2

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