Nakamura and Kamsky create a sensatio...
USA – Russia
The powerhouse Russian team had swept all before them and was leading the Olympiad having dispatched all the other favourites except Armenia who held them to a draw. They were two match-points in front. Their bottom board is Dimitry Jakovenko with a rating of 2722!
Vladimir Kramnik was the player to dethrone Gary Kasparov, [...]
Round 4 Game

My round one game
Hi everyone,
I had hoped for a more inspiring start to the Olympiad but at least the team beat Namibia 3-1. Our Women did even better, whitewashing Malta 4-0. I posted a story about the opening ceremony on my personal blog ( and if you wish to watch the games live, go to [...]
Contact information and classes at th...
Hello everyone,
This is just to confirm that all classes at the academy will be running as usual.
A good way to contact me is just the usual
Faster is my email.: which I receive on my mobile phone.
The failsafe is my mobile.: 0405206043
The doubleroo number works best, when the office is attended (-: 130 [...]
Introducing Lizzy

Hi everyone!
I am now going to try to add another block to our Doubleroo Chess Academy edifice. The dissemination of information has not been…ahem….perfected yet so.
To begin with we will take the liberty of subscribing you to our Newsletter. You need to confirm that you wish to receive it by clicking once on the link provided. If [...]
Sunday Rapid
Thanks to all the participants!
Congratulations Harry! Well done and a well deserved first prize chess clock.
I will advertise the next Sunday tournament well in advance 🙂
In the next 3 weeks we will have a coaching session as usual. This Sunday we will
look at IQP once again with a few annontated games. All rated juniors invited.
Ale [...]
Sunday Rapid Tournament
This Sunday there will be a rapid tournament open to all juniors.
Registration: 13 00 and before or via email
Round 1: 13 05
7 rounds
Closing ceremony: 16 50
Prizes depending on numbers
Cost: $ 20
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