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The Hjorth Attack
Greg Hjorth is a name known to all who played Chess in Australia in the late seventies, early eighties. By the time I had learned the moves in 1978, Greg had been a prodigy for many years. We met at a Chess camp where Australia’s best players including then, number one IM Robert Jamieson were instructing Juniors. Greg offered to play [...]
Gelfand breaks through
World Chess Championship
Finally a decisive result. The game itself was not the most exciting I’ve ever seen, in fact I fell asleep watching it live. Peter Leko’s commentary was partly responsible 🙂 Karpov made an appearance and showed why he dominated Chess for over a decade. He was my childhood hero
On the official site you [...]
Doubleroo Chess Academy update
Doubleroo Chess Academy update
The Website is turning into a bit more of a challenge than first anticipated but should be up sometime next week. This is why you are here if you logged in via I have kidnapped my Blog for a while until the website is ready. The 1300 number is also suffering a technical glit [...]
Doubleroo Chess Academy
Doubleroo Chess Academy
We officially opened our doors yesterday! Yay! A Somerville house training tournament was our first event. Somerville house has had a dedicated Chess programme for many years. It shows. The girls are enthusiastic and highly skilled. Mrs Connie Pizzato and her team of coaches have done an excellent job.
Penny dom [...]
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