First I would like to thank all the people who have helped us get our Academy started. Gaurav Chhabra is an amateur chessplayer and an IT expert. He has patiently waited for us to provide content which he expertly and quickly transformed into the website you are now looking at.
David Esmonde, another amateur chessplayer, helped with all the hardware and his company, iSage, is hosting us (as well as ACF website) and has been invaluable with advice on any topic. Our telphone and Internet is also provided by iSage.
Peter Long, a friend of more than 30 years, has also offered valuable advice and inspiration by his example. Peter runs Polgar Chess Asia and has been blogging for years ( the fide trainer ) not to mention organising major events, journalism etc.
Locally, Connie Pizzato from Somerville house has been a dynamo helping with getting the word out as have all the parents of current students.
Thank you to you all! We will show our appreciation by doing our best to help Queensland Juniors dominate the Australian Chess scene 🙂
Have a nice day 🙂
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